Sunday, November 27, 2016

Getting Started with Python4CPAs: Step 1 - Get Python

Welcome to the Getting Started with Python4CPAs series. Here we will help you through the process of downloading, installing, and writing your first program with Python. If you have trouble at any point in the process, try googling it. Your new best friend is a website called

Get Python through Anaconda

Anaconda is a distribution package that includes Python, a bunch of useful packages, and some other really useful goodies that we may use later on. Go to Anaconda's download page and download Python 3. If it asks, make sure to add Python to your computer's path.

Why not Python 2? Because Python 2 will no longer be supported after 2020. 

Try Python Online

Don't want to download Python onto your computer yet? Your IT department won't let you install unapproved applications? Bummer. You won't get the full benefit of using Python until you install it on your computer, but at there are a few alternatives for now to try it out online:
  • Go to - it seems to have a full Python 3 IDE with some additional packages available 
  • Head over to and click the yellow box-like icon to launch the Python 3 shell 
  • Sign up for a free account at pythonanywhere, and open up a Python 3 console

Congratulations! You're ready to start writing some simple Python code! Let's give it a shot, shall we?