Saturday, November 23, 2019

Python YouTube channel!

Hey everyone! I’ve started a YouTube channel under the name Pythonic Accountant, and will be posting short format videos to help anyone interested get started using python for accounting. To start I’ll show some basic things that I would have found useful when starting out with python, and later I’ll probably delve into whatever I find interesting, or if people start asking for specific things. Please take a look and provide feedback! And if you like the videos, please subscribe so you can stay updated with new videos, and to show your support! Check out the Pythonic Accountant YouTube channel here!

Monday, April 8, 2019

AICPA + Python = Awesome

AICPA has taken a great step toward exploring open source and Python in the world of audit. I helped the Audit Data Analytics working group record a video on how Python can improve the audit process, and it's up on their Audit Data Standards website!

The video quickly walks through how you could use Python to import a trial balance and general ledger, do some basic validations, and then perform some journal entry analyses.

The video is posted here - it's the second video on the page.

I also helped write up a document that goes with the video.

The github repo is here. It's still in need of some work, so any contributions would be greatly appreciated!

Good job AICPA!