Saturday, November 23, 2019

Python YouTube channel!

Hey everyone! I’ve started a YouTube channel under the name Pythonic Accountant, and will be posting short format videos to help anyone interested get started using python for accounting. To start I’ll show some basic things that I would have found useful when starting out with python, and later I’ll probably delve into whatever I find interesting, or if people start asking for specific things. Please take a look and provide feedback! And if you like the videos, please subscribe so you can stay updated with new videos, and to show your support! Check out the Pythonic Accountant YouTube channel here!


  1. Just watched and subscribed, great videos. Thank you!

  2. Hi Daniel! Thank you so much for the content. I had a few questions regarding accounting automation.

    I'm working at a regional firm right now and was hired on to do process automation, just graduated in May. I just finished a script to take in data and generate a schedule of investments for VC clients and am serving it to everyone at the firm using an internal flask webapp.

    Where do you usually see the most automation possible within public accounting? Also, would you be interested in collaborating on a website geared towards automating accounting processes? I have some experience with web development and was thinking of creating a website where accountants can go to find info on automation using Excel/VBA, AutoHotKey, RPA, and Python. It'll be a learning process for me, I haven't gone very deep within web dev (still learning React).

    My email is if you would like to get in contact! If not, that's totally fine but it would be great to have someone who has been doing this longer than me.

    Matt Carreon

  3. Hello ;

    I try to run the Python examples in PyCharm i.e.
    import pandas as pd
    import numpy as np
    import pdfplumber

    # Set the location of the pdf file
    pdf_file = 'data/ARbyCustDetailCompany.pdf'

    with as pdf:
    first_page = pdf.pages[0]
    rows = first_page.extract_text().split('\n')

    Can not see any output. What do i miss ?
